Employees, You Have the Power - Take it!
Who really wants to be told what to do? Many of us grumble about being “micromanaged”, “dictated to”, “preached at” and simply “bossed around” but we don’t do much about it. If we want to be given responsibility, we need to TAKE responsibility for ourselves. There are a great number of articles and blogs out there to help managers and leaders learn how to motivate and inspire their “team” but ultimately the ones who have the power to make this happen are you, the team members! So, here’s how to take control (sorry, it’s not sugar coated): 1. Assess your value. Time spent at a desk is not equal to dedication. It’s about what you bring. What value are you adding besides the “honor of your presence”? Remember, quality is worth more than quantity. 2. Take action. Often we are afraid of taking action or making a decision because we will be held accountable for the outcomes. But who do you think is more admired? The risk-taker or the side-line sitter? 3. Ask question...