
Showing posts from March, 2013

Employees, You Have the Power - Take it!

Who really wants to be told what to do? Many of us grumble about being “micromanaged”, “dictated to”, “preached at” and simply “bossed around” but we don’t do much about it. If we want to be given responsibility, we need to TAKE responsibility for ourselves. There are a great number of articles and blogs out there to help managers and leaders learn how to motivate and inspire their “team” but ultimately the ones who have the power to make this happen are you, the team members!  So, here’s how to take control (sorry, it’s not sugar coated): 1. Assess your value. Time spent at a desk is not equal to dedication. It’s about what you bring. What value are you adding besides the “honor of your presence”? Remember, quality is worth more than quantity. 2. Take action. Often we are afraid of taking action or making a decision because we will be held accountable for the outcomes. But who do you think is more admired? The risk-taker or the side-line sitter? 3. Ask question...

I Know

I believe, You are here always, forever I believe, that Your love covers all I believe, You sent Your Son to die and I believe, You saved us from the fall I know, You protect me as I sleep I know, You want only the best of best I know, You see my deepest dreams and I know, You are a place of rest I may stray, from Your perfect path I may fall, along the way I may think, I need to know it all But I BELIEVE, that You know all and that's all I need to know. I believe, You made me as I am I believe, You gifted me with life I believe, creation knows Your voice and I believe Your power conquers strife I know, You have me in your hand I know, You shelter me from the storm I know, You offer grace and peace and I know, You love my broken form I may lose, my sight from time to time I may let, my flesh get in the way I may think, I need to know it all But I BELIEVE, that You know all and that's all I need to know.

Delve into My Mind

Delve into my mind One day a darkened nest Of tangled webs. Hopeless deceit Trapping me in frozen chaos Delve into my mind One day joy’s playground; Songs bursting, Airy innocence Sending me soaring into oblivion Delve into my mind One day the vacant expanse; Exhaustion choking, Velvety blackness Lulling me into dull complacency Delve into my mind One day a tranquil chamber; Soothing contentment, Warm and silky Blanketing me in cushiony revival Delve into my mind Welcome to my confidences Laid strewn in raw truth; Beautiful in ugliness Simple in confusion Delve into my mind Embracing me as I am, No secreted alcoves Encompassed in entirety   Loved as I am 

Right Time, Right Place Route to Success

I was recently reading an article on Seth Godin. In the midst of an age of self-help experts and how to books, Seth avoids trying to provide instant gratification with a “how-to” book on success. Rather he addresses “what it’s really about”. His secret is simple: there is no shortcut to success. It is riddled with failure, fear and struggle. The bottom line is when you think something  might  work, you try it. And if it doesn’t work, you persevere and try again (and again). There are many people who live by chance. They sit and wait idly until a door opens up, so they can saunter through. But how many doors fly open without any effort from someone, somewhere? I am not one to deny that things happen unexpectedly, but do not confuse this with random chance or “luck”. If you look at any “successful” person, not one of them can claim that it was simple “luck” that got them where they are. Sure there is the phrase “right time, right place”. But the key is that they were ...

Childlike Faith

Captured wonderful in the innocent child's hand Tiny delicate fingers Clasping gingerly together Cupped palms parting in concentrated care Allowing a peak at the treasure Eyes filling with secret joy Securing the clasp safely again in satisfaction A private grin glowing Pleased with privileged knowledge Skipping carefully through wispy grasses Barely contained excitement Straining to burst forth Approaching a cluster of carefree companions Beckoning them with calls To share the prized possession Cherubic heads huddling over the  dainty nest Sun glowing off blonde, caramel and chocolate Anticipatory vibrations flowing Hands gently blossoming open Offering promised revelation Necks crane forth eagerly Seeing nestled  in the outstretched palm A single kernel, a grain A perfect mustard seed