
Is it perspective or the shifting breeze
That changes the wisp of cloud imperceptibly
It's form evolving unendingly
As eyes watch from the ground far below

What forces are behind the alterations,
Undefinable but evident?
One moment something is as it seems
And the next it is not the same at all

How can being in the same place
Everyday people doing everyday things
Suddenly seem so foreign
In comparison to how it seemed yesterday?

Have we closed our eyes?
To the winds of change blowing through us
Or is our shift in position
So slight it cannot be measured or felt

One day the sun is cool lemon yellow
Brightening the trees with refreshing light
The next it is on fire
Orange blazing heat, scorching the ground beneath our feet

Dread at the start of a new day
Dragging emptiness around in our wagon
The load draining our resources
Chasing after the next big thing, or the cloak of night to cover us

Energy at the dawn of the next day
Happiness coursing through us, found in simple pleasures
Plunging into small tasks joyfully
Clasping the tail of innocence to Fly above turmoil

Are we such fickle creatures?
That a fleeting memory or slight change of position
Alters our outlook on life
Or is it a blessing to see things differently each day

Would life be easier dwelling in ignorance
Singular vision focusing on one vista?
Calm, crystal clear waters beneath
As we float along a narrow channel

Perhaps better to spin in the whirlwinds
A kaleidoscope of colors scattering images
With each movement we make

Making all around us new as each moment passes


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