17 Ways to Take Care of You (Why 17? 15 or 20 was just too "standard")

A friend and I recently spent the day at the Ontario Science Centre. Yes, before you ask, it IS considered a place for kids and families, but often I feel like a big kid myself. I came away from the day feeling relaxed, inspired and rejuvenated. It caused me to wonder, why can't every day be like this?

So, here are the  ways I have resolved to get more from life. And since I am unconventional, I have not kept the best for last; I have started with them first!

1. Have fun. Tell yourself it is OK to have fun. Adults seem to think we have to work hard to earn fun, nothings says we can't have fun anytime., even at work!

2. Be a kid. Let yourself get distracted and off course. That is often when you discover something new.

3. Relax! Give yourself a break from worrying, it really does accomplish nothing (except maybe give you a headache). Know even in your most relaxed moments, you are achieving something.

4. Enjoy the moment. It is important to think forward and plan ahead, that's how goals are reached. But stopping to enjoy a simple moment is not self-indulgent; it is inspiration.

5. Give first (as opposed to give back). It is amazing what you get when you give.

6. Let yourself like things. Often we think we need to constantly analyze what is wrong or needs to be improved to make ourselves look smart. There is nothing wrong in liking something just the way it is.

7. Learn, learn, learn. Without it, you can't grow, grow, grow.

8. Partner up. Two heads are better than one. Three are better than two. You can the idea.

9. Re-prioritize what is important. Does a fulfilled life mean 3 BMW's in the garage? Or working with orphaned chimps in Indonesia.

10. Talk to yourself - aloud - the way you would talk to others. Yes, people might think you're crazy, but it's the best way to get you to listen to yourself.

11. Set specific, action oriented goals. Generic, open ended goals leave room for us to excuse ourselves from not following through.

12. Maintain a clear vision. Note this is not synonymous with "tunnel" vision. You want to remember your goal, but make sure to take in the scenery on the way.

13. Realize mistakes are not mistakes, just learning curves. Unless you ignore the lesson.

14. Set self-imposed deadlines. A great quote I read said: "The amount of time it takes you to accomplish anything is equal to the amount of time you have to do it." For those things you have been procrastinating, set a deadline; then get it done!

15. Give yourself a break. When you suffer set backs or upsets, give yourself time to recover and heal. If you broke your leg, you would not expect to take off running right away, even once the cast is off.

16. Acknowledge your control. You have more control over things than you imagine, use it to change what controls you.

17. Create! Enough said. (OK, I saved one of the best for last!)


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