Feeling Your Way, or Thinking it Through

They say misery loves company, but who ever specified that the company should also be miserable? If you surround misery with love and joy, optimism and hope, how long can misery endure?
 Don't be defined by those around you; be the definition. Don't let negative people drag you down to their level, instead raise them up to yours. It is easy to let emotions take control of and give into the mood of the moment.
Emotion should not be our motivator, it should not define who we are or what we do.  We tend to be creatures of immediacy; responding to urges without pondering. But feelings are fleeting, and if we let them guide us, life will become a treadmill race; a lot of energy expended without a lot of progress.
Going with your gut sounds great, but our gut is much better for digesting rather then evaluating.
Because how reliable are feelings? They are based on personal perception, which lets face it, is singular. We don't rationalize our feelings, and the problem is they are often based on misconceptions; what we "believe" someone is thinking about us, what we "sense" is happening; inconclusive evidence.
So when emotions threaten to overtake you; when you find you are "feeling" your way through, rather than "thinking" things over, Stop. Don't make another move, and take time to objectively view the situation.
few extra moments lost in reflection makes up for regrets of impulsive actions avoided.


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