Who is There

My strength is withered
Eyes heavy with drain
Awakening from sleep
Less alive than the day before

Arms too weighted
To lift in surrender
Each breath an effort
Beneath leaden lungs

Standing frozen
The stifling air around
Making slightest movement
A Herculean effort

Desire deadened
Defeated apathy
Crawling across numb skin 
Curling tendrils around every limb

Shadows of happiness
Mocking empty days
Joys of yesterday
Feeding the present darkness

I am finished
Drained of all capacity
Cumbrous weights
Ground me still

Worn limbs dragging
Through sticky syrup
The cloying sweetness
Of strategic deceit

Who will carry me
Move my spirit
From this barrenness
Into a new day

Who will save me
From sinking deep
Into sand of sorrow
To stand supremely strong

Who will feed me
Pour out life anew
Intrude my space
With streams of strength


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