What is heaven

Fantastical flights of fancy
Happily ever after
Dreams of  dramatic desires
Magic potions 
Promising fairy tale endings

Pictures brushstroked In perfect accord 
Masterpieces of vivid colors
Haunting lyrics that move the soul
Drenched in melodies of purest emotion

Rays of light slicing through cloud pillows
Sensibilities lost in the supremacy of uncontrived nature 
Devoured in chaotic beauty 
A dance of spontaneous swirls 

 Wild beasts coddling innocence
breeze that carries honeyed scents
Crystal waters mirroring double rainbows
Spreads of jeweled florals and golden grains
Imagine the most profoundly beautiful 
Dream the decadent
Conjure visions of lofty heights 

None can compare
Even in slight
To what is heaven 


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