Social Media all grown up

So, let’s be honest for a moment. Who ever thought a few years ago that an accounting firm would be using social media and blogs to connect with their clients? Facebook was created for friends to find each other and keep updated on the things happening in their lives. Twitter? A forum for celebrities and individuals to post every little random thought or activity just in case someone out there cared to know they were eating a piece of pepperoni pizza at that moment. But Social Media is growing up; it is quickly becoming a tool for serious business.

 Why? Even a few years ago, work-life balance was all the buzz. Health experts and business analysts promoted the importance of creating a good balance between career and lifestyle for mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. However, with the advent of new workplace philosophies, things are evolving at a rapid pace. Companies such as Google and Apple are providing flexible work schedules and recreational facilities on-site that encourage socialization and community building right on premise. As a result, people are actually spending more hours at work; blending their lifestyle right into their jobs. The lines between "social" and "professional" are quickly blurring. 
Now, many of us may still see Social Media as a "young person's" thing. But the reality is that more and more businesses are realizing the value of using Social Media to reach their audience. Not that they are using it in the traditional sense of marketing. Advertising and direct sales are not the key purpose of using Facebook or Twitter or even Pintrest. Customers now a days are quite savvy; they know when something is  being "sold" to them and it leaves a sour taste in their mouth (think stereotypical Used Car Salesman). Today's customers are looking to be practical and search out value but to also connect, to be part of a community, or to be entertained while doing so. Because there are so many choices out there, consumers want added value from the companies they buy from. They want to feel as if they know you and your company personally and that you really care about them as individuals. 

The purpose then, of using Social Media is not to sell your product. It is about connecting with your customers or clients on a personal level. It is about building relationships and starting conversations. You want to evoke curiosity and instil trust in your company by demonstrating true interest in their lives. No matter what business you are in, your clients are key to your success; engage them, connect with them, get to know them. The rest will follow.


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