What is success? A number in the bank? A BMW in the driveway? A job title? We are all taught to strive to measure up. But what are we measuring against?

Many of us look at our neighour and think "if I had what they have, then I would be a success; my life would be complete." Yet it is almost guaranteed that our neighbor is looking at the person across the street and thinking the same thing.

Success should not be defined by external measures. That will only end in disappointment. No matter how much wealth and status you gain; how much you fight, trample or stress your way to the top, there will always be someone with more.

So then, what should success be based on? It is...

...Knowing your value and living up to your potential.

...Discovering your unique "you"; knowing there is no one else in the world that can do something exactly the way you can

...Touching the lives of others; making an imprint on the world.

...Walking through every open door, or crawling through the window if needed.

...Dreaming big and living bigger.

...Stepping off the edge, taking your fear with you.

Stop chasing after success; live in it!


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