Take a moment

According to a recent report on the radio, 80% of us do not take coffee or lunch breaks during work. Instead, we scramble relentlessly to get the job done. However, as soon as that job is finished, there always seems to be another waiting in the wings. Yes, working tirelessly on a project may be necessary on occasion, but is should not become a way of life.

Sometimes allowing distraction to tempt you off track is actually of benefit. Too narrow a focus on a destination in the distance can lead to tunnel vision. Keeping your eyes only on the horizon, you are likely to miss the scenery along the way. Try taking the odd detour; it can sometimes offer a whole new vantage point bringing a fresh perspective. Without a little exploration, there is no discovery.

It is easy to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed with our never-ending "to-do" lists; to constantly be looking at what is ahead rather than focusing on the moment. It is true that goals are good, they keep us moving forward. Just don't forget to pay attention to each step along the way. Anticipate the results but find wonder in the journey.


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